On Sunday, May 23, 2012, the Nelson Family went to South Mountain. Andrew and Calvin Nelson faced off for the first time on the drag strip. Andrew raced in his 1951 Henry J that ran 7.428 s in the 1/8th mile at 94.02 mph. (60 ft time was 1.673) Calvin raced his 1964 Chevy 2 Nova that ran 11.639 s in the 1/8th mile at 59.50 mph. (60 ft time was 2.686 s) 

Calvin Nelson in his 1964 Chevy 2 Nova won the second round of competition and got a bye run with his reaction time of 0.0037 s. His 1/8th mile time was 11.895 s at 59.79 mph. (60 ft time was 2.926 s)

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